Census Shows Sharply Growing Numbers of Hispanic, Asian and Multiracial Americans
Overall population growth slowed substantially over the past decade, but the number of multiracial Americans more than doubled.
New York Times Aug. 12, 2021
The New York times reported the results of the 2020 census of the United states.
The United States has historically accepted more immigrants than any other nation.
Throughout the years the children brought to the US or born in the US by their migrant parents and siblings have grown and contributed to the culture and economy of the United States.
The 44th President of the United States Barack Obama is the son of a Kenya national and the current Vice President is the daughter of Hattian and Indian immigrants.
Arnold Schwarzenegger – Politician & Actor David Ho – AIDS Researcher Hamdi Ulukaya – CEO of the Chobani Greek Yoghurt Empire Nikola Tesla-Inventor Madeleine Albright – the First Woman Secretary of State Albert Einstein – Inventor and Physicist Sergey Brin – Founder of Google, Inventor and Engineer Joseph Pulitzer – Journalist and Publisher
There are many more examples of such success stories. So it should be safe to say that the United States has benefited greatly from the immigration throughout the years and will continue to do so for the years to come. However the composition of the population is shifting gradually and at the same time drastically.
Inevitably the dominant white population is decreasing….

The regions of origin for immigrant populations residing in the U.S. have dramatically shifted since the passage of the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act. In 1960, 84% of immigrants living in the U.S. were born in Europe, Canada or other North American countries, while only 6% were from Mexico, 4% from Asia, 3% from the rest of Latin America and 3% from other areas. Immigrant origins now differ drastically, with European, Canadian and other North American immigrants making up only a small share of the foreign-born population (13%) in 2018. Asians (28%), Mexicans (25%) and other Latin Americans (25%) each make up about a quarter of the U.S. immigrant population, followed by 9% who were born in another region.
As of 2018, 26.4% of the entire US population is composed of 1st generation and 2nd generation immigrants (First: 12.3%, Second 14.1% respectively). Now it is worth mentioning that the data shown is mostly relevant to country of origin and region and not ethnical background. However if an awfully simplistic extrapolation of ethnicity is allowed for the sake of argument 13% of the 2018 inflow from Europe/Canada and other North America could be said to be white or Caucasian. If so roughly 1.6% (13% from Europe and other North American immigration during 2018 X 12.3% First generation immigration of the entire US population during 2018) of the entire population comes from predominantly white or Caucasian regions. Also extrapolating the second generation white and Caucasian background population of 1.83% ( 14.1% Second Gen % /12.3% First Gen% * 1.6% First Gen White and Caucasian Immigration Population to entire US Population) adds to be just 3.4%.
The growth of a population and composition of a population obviously can not be explained by just the immigration it receives. In fact depending on the country it holds no meaning whatsoever. Take Japan for example where the foreign born percentage of the population in approximately 2% and it was even lower the year before.
However for a country like the United States where through out its existence it has relied on immigration it is no small matter.

As it can be seen above immigration plays a huge part in the composition of the ethnic composition of the United states so much so that the dominant white and Caucasian population is constantly decreasing.
What do white people think about their Ethnicity diminishing in presence..
Please note that the following comments are bias in nature, I am not saying these are the majority. But I wonder whether they are shares with more white people than we think… Not everyone will share their deepest thoughts. Not everyone will want to be judged or have a hint of racism or bias in their record, reputation. But that does not mean that white people are comfortable with their ethnicity fade way..
“I believe the parasites are driven by some sort of instinct to assemble their host population.”
From tweeter: The identity of the person who commented is intentionally hidden
“The new census data showing the white population decelerating will only accelerate efforts to turn America into an autocracy. Most whites support the diversity of this country and our democracy. We must band together for the moment and defeat the 1/3 that aim to destroy it all.”
From tweeter: The identity of the person who commented is intentionally hidden
“The splendor and confidence of our people was without limit. It will come back; the destruction of our people is now so obvious that the “silent majority” will know to remain silent no more.”
From tweeter: The identity of the person who commented is intentionally hidden,

The purpose of pointing out this collective fear that is silently but undoubtedly accumulating in the psyche of many white ethnicity people is not to debate whether it this fear is rational or substantiated. In fact there are many who say this fear of being replaced or the minorities taking over specially in places like the United states is not accurate.
Starting with the fact what does “white” mean or “who” is to be called white? What about mixed ethnicities? what % of Anglo-Saxon descendance must you have to be called white? And is it even accurate to discuss such terminology in the cellular or DNA level.
What needs to be taken seriously is what these so called resented white ethnicity people might do if they feel they are being replaced.
It is said that the majority status at least in the United states will persist until 2060. After that it seems that the majority will be the so called Latinx. Or maybe they will include a part or the entire Latinx community within the White ethnicity group but that in its self would cause frictions.
But coming back to the psyche of some non “racists”, at least in their minds, white ethnicity people. As the time evolves closer to 2060 slowly but surely one by one the privileges that they have enjoyed will wear thin. As education spreads more equally, and as the immigrants start gaining the same opportunities as the whites. It will come a time resentful and probably uneducated groups of whites will want “things to go back they were”…
We have seen a taste of this on January 6th of 2021. No body though normal Americans would join such terrorist act. But they did. You might argue they are just the tip of the iceberg. What will happen if they get organized and have a slightly more capable leader. Someone who can in some sense talk the talk and walk the walk.
This is not unique to the United States, this can and some might say is already happening in some European nations. (Will not get into it here but Hungary changed over night in to pseudo illiberal sate without a single blood spilled) More over the countries that compose the G7 are 86% white ethnicity majorities who happen to also be members of NATO the greatest military in the world.
This will not happen overnight but we might need to take white supremacy more seriously, it may not come in the way and form we think or are use to but we should expect a backlash as we always do when a system, or a way of life, or when there is a shift in power dynamics. And we should we most afraid when this change is subtle and surgical and executed by talented people which has not happened so far but one might argue its just a matter of time before someone capable takes over.